Scuola Language in Italy
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Long-term Italian courses

Long-term Italian courses in Rome

Semiannual and annual Italian courses in Rome

For students who wish to study Italian for 24 weeks or more, Language in Italy provides interesting seminary or annual language programs. Long-term study programs are becoming increasingly popular among students and young adults. There are many good reasons to consider a long-term study program away from home. Being able to fully discover a different culture enriches you both from a personal and a professional point of view. Duration of the course 3,6,9,12 months.

Language in Italy is located in Rome, few steps from the Vatican City.

Starting dates (Day/Month)

2024: 08/01; 05/02; 04/03; 02/04; 29/04; 27/05; 17/06; 08/07; 29/07; 02/09; 30/09; 28/10; 25/11 

2025: 07/01; 03/02; 03/03; 31/03; 28/04; 26/05; 16/06; 07/07; 28/07; 01/09; 29/09; 27/10; 24/11 

Further Information

* includes 2 individual courses of 15 hours , three times per week

** includes 2 individual courses of 45 hours

Course Lenght
1 month
€ 520
2 months
€ 1020
3 months
€ 1490
4 months
€ 1965
5 months
€ 2456
6 months
€ 2900
480 lessons group + 15 one to one
7 months
€ 3350
480 lessons group + 30 one to one
8 months
€ 3600
480 lessons group + 45 one to one
9 months
€ 4050
480 lessons group + 60 one to one
10 months
€ 4500
480 lessons group + 75 one to one
11 months
€ 4950
480 lessons group + 90 one to one
12 months
€ 5500
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